I've been thinking about college a lot lately, another symptom of quarter-life crisis. I think mostly just about how much I miss it. But I also think of things I wish I would have done differently. A lot of people say they wouldn't change a thing and that they learned from each experience. Not me, there are a lot of lessons I would have preferred to go without.
I wish I wouldn't have let my first college crush Blair (yeah, it's a guy with a girl name) break my heart. Because of him and the next crush I refused to date any guy in a fraternity for the rest of my time at college and I feel I missed out on lots of possible great experiences because of this 'fraternity ban'.
I wish I would have gotten more involved in my sorority and gotten to know my sorority sisters better. It wasn't my first-choice sorority so I was angry at first. But there were so many wonderful girls in it that I became familiar with. I became close to some of them. But none of them became my best friends and that was my fault because I stayed distant. It's weird how much I miss them now, even the ones I barely got to know.
I would have spent more time at the sorority house. I would have gone there just to read a book in a rocking chair on the front porch. I would've hung out on the couch in the sitting room and talked about my day with whoever was around. I miss the smell of the fresh flowers that were always there. I miss the sound of the Crystal Light machines in the dining room. Weird that I miss the smallest things.
I would have drank less. I had a lot of fun times drinking, but I could've had just as much fun without the pounding of whiskey and beer and better yet I would remember those times instead of having a vague picture of it in my head. And probably feel a lot better the next day.
I would've had more girl friends instead of feeling more comfortable as 'one of the guys'. I have learned it is so much better to have a good group of girl friends. Man I wish I would have realized that back then.
I would have called my parents more. I wish they could have known more about what was going on in my life. Maybe if they did I wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble. I wish I had been close to them then like I am now.
I would have slept less.
I would have gone to more campus activities. Sometimes I wouldn't go because I was tired, or I couldn't find a cute outfit. I wasn't a hermit, I mean I went to things, but I should've gone to a lot more things.
I would have studied abroad one semester.
I would have gone to class more. I never thought I'd say that. But I should have gone more and been more interested in learning. Because now I miss learning.
I would've gotten in less arguments and let more things slide.
I wouldn't have let the opinions of others make me question myself. If a guy didn't like me was it because I wasn't pretty enough or had gained the freshman fifteen, ok freshman twenty? If a girl was talking about me was it because I wasn't popular enough? So stupid, I'm glad I didn't stay like that very long.
I would've spent more time single instead of always having a boyfriend.
I would have gone to every football game instead of staying in bed or being too lazy to find an outfit to wear to the Grove.
I wouldn't have held grudges.
I wouldn't have wasted my entire junior year on the world's biggest asshole boyfriend who I drove to see every week in Little Rock. I gave up my entire life in Oxford because I was constantly gone. All for a loser. Man that sucks.
I would've gotten involved in student government and been in more clubs.
I would've spent more time working out and eating right. (This is the embarrassing one, but hey I'm being honest) I gained 25-30 pounds my freshman year and kept it on until my junior year. It made me self-conscious and if I would've just been more healthy I would've been a lot happier. Switching pizza for a salad would've been worth being happier with myself.
I would've been more mature.
I would've spent more time in the Grove.
I would've spent less time alone. I like being alone and having 'me time' but I think I should've spent more time with friends. It's better to have memories with friends than memories of you by yourself.
I wish I could go back and do it all over. I would do it so much better. I miss it a lot but I don't ever really think about it. When I graduated high school I missed it a lot but I never thought about it because I didn't want to be one of those people clinging to the past. But because I never thought about it, a lot of my memories faded. So maybe I will think about college and remember the good times. Because even though I have a long list of things I would've done differently, I had a blast and I have so many great memories.
It's tough moving on. I don't like not having a class to go to or a test not to cram for. I miss the all-nighters fueled by Red Bull and adderall. I miss late-night trips with friends to Wal Mart. I miss it all. But I can't miss it too much because that would be a waste of time. I just have to get used to this part of life. Quarter-life. It's time to make new memories. And hopefully when I am in my 30's I won't look back and make a long list beginning with 'I wish I would have...'