Thursday, November 19, 2009

Monsters Aren't Just Under the Bed Anymore

It freaks me out that there are people in the world like that five-year old's mother in North Carolina. If you haven't been watching the news, the body of a five-year old girl was found and the story is that her mother was prostituting her daughter and that's how she ended up dead.

I'm sick to my stomach about this. Because this is one of several stories about parents killing their children or something similar. How? For nine months she carried this child inside her body. She felt her kick and she heard her cry as soon as she was born. She saw her sweet baby's eyes gazing into hers as she drank her bottle. How can someone do this? Reports say she was calm and quiet in court. No remorse, no emotion. A five year old girl being prostituted. And then murdered.

Innocence is the beautiful thing about children, and how dare anyone who takes that away. I'm so mad right now I could scream. Mainly because I just don't get it. It's difficult to believe that there are people out there who are so messed up in the head that they don't think twice about doing something like this and also don't feel any emotion afterwards. It's scary. It makes me more cautious about doing things I never thought twice about like walking around alone at night or getting into my car outside of a store. I never thought anything could happen to me and maybe it's because I didn't really think there were true monsters out there. But there really are. That's what people like this are... they are monsters, barely even human.

I feel so bad for what this poor innocent girl had taken from her and what she went through and how scared she had to be. And it's terrible that things like this are going on constantly. I hate it and it makes me sad. I wish there was a way to protect the innocence of every single child out there.

1 comment:

  1. I'm like you and I never think about walking alone at night. I guess I just assume "that stuff doesn't happen around here" But it happens everywhere. Since I was first pregnant, Kyle has become so protective of me and Gabriel and it's such a good thing. Sometimes I get annoyed a little but I know it's just b/c he loves us. I hear these stories in the news and I think, if only i could catch that person alone somewhere. My fear is someone might take the innocence away from my child. If that ever happenened, I don't think I could be responsible for my actions. It would just be a blind rage.


