My life is a roller coaster.
My favorite part of the roller coaster is the part where I met God. That year was the best year of my life. I think about Him a lot. But my mornings don't start off like they used to. I used to wake up and smile and feel Him with me and I'd start my day talking to Him. I won't get into the details of why my days were only like that for a year and a half. Things happen, you lose people, and the world doesn't make sense anymore. Going back to drinking and drugs made me forget the world didn't make sense.
But here I am now, with this miracle in my belly. At first this miracle was just something I was completely freaked out about, I'm not married, I'm 24 with the maturity level of a 20-year old. I can't have a baby. But now I see this miracle as something that has made me personally grow so much. I've grown up in 8 months. But growing up makes me nervous, I have never liked grown-ups very much. They are all responsible. They don't take risks, They aren't spontaneous. They are,,, boring. I don't want to get boring. I don't think I will though.
I'm obsessed with writing, it is who I am, it is my escape. But I haven't written in a while. Because I have forgotten who I am. I'm writing now. And I already feel better. Even though I haven't made any sort of point. I still feel better. Maybe I'll make a point next time. Maybe not.